ascii code 92 - ASCII table , ascii codes ASCII code \ , Backslash, American Standard Code for Information Interchange, ...
ASCII code 42 - ASCII table , ascii codes ASCII code * , Asterisk, American Standard Code for Information Interchange, ...
ASCII code Backspace - ASCII table , ascii codes ASCII code Backspace, American Standard Code for Information Interchange, ...
Keyboard Keys and Key Code Values - Adobe The following tables list all the keys on a standard keyboard and the corresponding key code values and ASCII key code values that are used to identify the keys ...
Keyboard Character Codes - Hall Genealogy Website Keyboard character display codes - ASCII. ... These codes are obtained by holding down the ALT key and typing on the numerical keypad. Note that many of ...
ALT+NUMPAD ASCII Key Combos: The α and Ω of Creating ... The chart below shows the relevant key codes to get various symbols. The table on the left shows the OEM Extended ASCII character set (AKA: IBM PC ...
ASCII Chart and Other Resources - JimPrice.Com ASCII Chart - Table of ASCII characters and equivalents. ... Also, I've added additional info,such as IBM PC Keyboard Scan Codes, and a list of other references.